Monday, February 25, 2008

He's growing!

Some of you may know that Benjamin has been wearing 2T clothing for quite some time. Great news!...He's finally growing out of it. That is the pant legs are getting too short and the shirts don't fit his trunk too well. He has a couple of 4T shirts from walmart and those fit well too but otherwise we will be buying 3T for him now. Hurray!

Not to be out done, Samuel pretty much skipped 3/6 months and went straight for 6/9 months. We are hoping that with his tongue tie being clipped that his weight gain will get back on track and he will continue on at the 85 percentile. We see the Ear Nose Throat doctor next Monday for a followup appointment to see how it is healing and if anything more needs to be done at this time.

In other news, Benjamin has been studying Suzuki violin since the beginning of January. He seems to really like his lessons the only challenge is getting him to "practice" his skills. Miss. Anna is a great teacher, very patient with him and his exuberence. He has a group lesson with all the students and then a private lesson, each once a week. In March there will be a recital and he will get to show off his skills. To help encourage his study his mom is renting a violin to learn along with him. I can't wait for it to arrive! I'll try to get a picture of Ben with his "Christmas ornament" as Morgan calls it. (1/32 scale violins are quite tiny.)

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