Thursday, September 18, 2008

distrubed sleep, wet floors

The last 3 days, Benjamin has been up around 3-4am, resulting in him sleeping with us. By day he has been wetting his pants once a day. I wonder if he is sensing the disturbance in the force with my mother being sick and/or if he is unhappy about the upcoming trip to DC. We have been talking about Sam and I driving up to RI to visit with my family for a while and Benjamin going home with Morgan. Ben keeps saying "No, it would be more fun for all 4 of us to go see Grandma" and I'd have to say I agree with him. But when you add in 2 more airline tickets, it gets expensive not to mention Morgan taking time off of work. I suppose I could take Ben and Sam with me but Benjamin can be high needs outside of his typical environment and not too much taking care of grandma would happen. He'll be fine with Morgan, I'm just wanting a little more sleep and less floor cleaning.

In other news, Sam as a couple of friends that are a month older than him...both walking. Sam is still happy with cruising and now and again lets go and balances. When I say "now and again" it's MAYBE once a day that I see. No teeth yet. Morgan trimmed the hair over his ears at my request...his wings were getting out of hand. He is still 99% nursing with some solid food with dinner sometimes, mostly to keep him busy.
We have not taken too many pictures recently. This is a picture of Benjamin's MonaVie smile. He likes his purple juice. Sam had a bruise on his cheek where he smashed his face into solid objects several times in the same place. Now he has a scratch on his forehead from, I'm guessing his fingernails. Usually the most recent pictures I post on facebook because it's just easier.
Better go see if the chicken is's going to be another whirlwind evening! Wish me luck!


Kirstie said...

I think your theories make sense- E has had a number of accidents lately and I think it's probably had a lot to do with all that's been happening in our lives lately and certain people's impending arrival...

Unknown said...

B went to bed around 9pm and woke up at 10:30pm and didn't make it to the bathroom. He was whine crying and not alert enough to take care of things himself. I guess I'll just have to send him to the potty several times a day to get ahead of it...I almost want to take him to teh ped to rule our UT infection.

Kirstie said...

You'd probably know if it was a UT. Those things hurt!! But yes, it might be smart to check it out just to be sure... the other thing is that often kids will regress in one area if they are going gangbusters developmentally in another area, could that be it? Mostly likely it's just all the stuff going on in your house that he is subliminally worried about.
