Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Sam's new tricks

It's been a while, again. With conference in Kenosha...I'm a little behind. I've caught up on the weeding at home, but the plot needs attention yet. We are still not really unpacked and the laundry sits in differing stages. AH well.
Lately Sam has picked up the nickname PegLeg. His crawling is getting much faster and he has added the skill of crawling with a favored toy in his hand. Usually a block or something smallish. His approach usually sounds more like "thrap, thrap" as each hand hits the floor but with the toy in his hand is more of a "thrap, clunk." The "thrap, thrap" is a nice even rhythm, where PegLeg is not.
Also he is quite the gardener. When pulling weeds results in the need for a bath...you know you've got above and beyond the call of duty. Twice now Sam has managed to have dirt from head to toe and even inside the diaper. Those rolls really hold on to the dirt!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the dirt.
