Tuesday, August 26, 2008

New Stats!

Benjamin had his 4yr old doc appointment today and Samuel had his 9 month appointment. Here are the new stats...
Sam: Height 2' 6.25", Weight 21 lbs 2 oz, HC 47.6 cm
Ben: Height 3' 1.75", Weight 30 lbs.

Benjamin is BACK on the growth chart and climbing...Sam is at the top of the chart!
I'm feeling sleepy at the moment so I can't think of any thing clever to write.

Monday, August 25, 2008

I Did It!

I typed up a list of all the books my boys own. I might of missed a couple but certainly this is as close to a complete list as is possible given the way items are moved all over the house. I'll place a link to the right as well.


Sunday, August 24, 2008


Ben is on a mission to get an excavator (truck what has a scoop on the front) for his belated birthday. He has told me every day, several times a day about his need for one. Long, drawn out detailed stories about the when, where and why...much, much more detailed then these videos. He as seen big ones and little ones around town. He plays with his trucks out in what used to be the veggie garden.

Sam wanted some of the spotlight too... :)

Ben's Hair Cut

We took before and after pics. The best part was when Benjamin came running into the house, wided eyed with excitement yelling "I'm all spiky and now I have red hair like you!" It was a precious moment!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Sam's new tricks

It's been a while, again. With conference in Kenosha...I'm a little behind. I've caught up on the weeding at home, but the plot needs attention yet. We are still not really unpacked and the laundry sits in differing stages. AH well.
Lately Sam has picked up the nickname PegLeg. His crawling is getting much faster and he has added the skill of crawling with a favored toy in his hand. Usually a block or something smallish. His approach usually sounds more like "thrap, thrap" as each hand hits the floor but with the toy in his hand is more of a "thrap, clunk." The "thrap, thrap" is a nice even rhythm, where PegLeg is not.
Also he is quite the gardener. When pulling weeds results in the need for a bath...you know you've got above and beyond the call of duty. Twice now Sam has managed to have dirt from head to toe and even inside the diaper. Those rolls really hold on to the dirt!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Answers

Ben, Sam, Sam, Sam, Ben, Ben! Grats to all those who participated. Even their parents get confused sometimes.