Friday, June 13, 2008

Strawberries, boys and diapers...

Sam has become Sir Poopsalot. We are going through diapers like it's going out of style. It seems like you change him and then he gets the tell tale look on his face, you sigh and head for the changing table again. His brother always had the opposite problem so this is new for us.

Benjamin managed to fall off of the bar stool last evening and land on his back looking up at me like "how'd you let that happen, mom?" He cried for 5 minutes and had to be carried around for a little longer. It must have really startled him because he usually only cries for 15 secs.

We have strawberries and every morning Benjamin likes to go out and find the red ones. After careful inspection to make sure they are all red, they are plucked off the plant and eaten. Ben does not share them...they are his to be sure. We only have a few plants so there is usually somewhere between 1-3 berries each morning. Marcy had better hope that Ben doesn't remember that she has strawberries planted about the fish pond....or he'll want those too!! :)


Blade Fam said...

will you plant more next year?

Unknown said...

That will depend on where we are living. We are trying to sell our house and move to the other side of town...but that is tricky with the market.
